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Kani waa maqaal ku saabsan midabka mifkitka. Haku khaldin baalka ciraad
MifkitHow to read this color infobox
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Mifkit (Af Ingiriis : Turquoise; Af Carabi : ar‎) waa midab ciraad badhxan ah, kaasi oo inta badan lagu arko macdanta. Hadhka midabka mifkit wuxuu u dhexeeyaa cagaar iyo ciraad.[1][2] Midabka Mifkitka ah waxaa sii aad lagu dhex helaa daandaanada iyo dhegexyada.[3]

Midabo Kale


  1. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press.
  2. Webster New World Dictionary, Third College Edition: "Any of a genus (Dianthus) of annual and perennial plants of the pink family with white, pink or red flowers.; its pale red color."
  3. Heller, Eva: Psychologie de la couleur – effets et symboliques, pp. 179-184
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