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Eedit airtins

Logic (frae Greek λογική, logike)[1] oreeginally meanin the wird, or whit is spoken, (but comin tae mean thocht or raison) is generally held tae conseest o the seestematic study o the form o valid arguments.

Thocht can refer tae the ideas or arrangements o ideas that result frae thinkin, the act o producin thochts, or the process o producin thochts.

Reason is the capacity for consciously makin sense o things, applyin logic, for establishing an verifyin facts, an chyngin or juistifyin practices, institutions, an beliefs based on new or existin information.[2]


  1. "possessed of reason, intellectual, dialectical, argumentative", also related to λόγος (logos), "word, thought, idea, argument, account, reason, or principle" (Liddell & Scott 1999; Online Etymology Dictionary 2001).
  2. "So We Need Something Else for Reason to Mean", International Journal of Philosophical Studies 8: 3, 271 — 295.