Flexibility of Matrix LIMS enables Mortuary Management
Flexibility of Matrix LIMS enables Mortuary Management
Mortuary case study highlights tracking software capabilities Matrix Gemini LIMS from Autoscribe Informatics
The extraordinary versatility of the Matrix suite of LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems) from Autoscribe Informatics is further highlighted through the use of Matrix Tracker in a mortuary in an NHS Hospital Trust. Matrix Tracker, a configurable, expandable tracking system, replaced the original paper-based tracking system used at the mortuary which was difficult to audit or back-up. Matrix Tracker provides the improved traceability and accountability needed to meet the current mortuary regulatory requirements including CPA (Clinical Pathology Accreditation).
Matrix Tracker simplifies management tasks by tracking each item, positively identifying the current item location, owner and chain of custody. In the mortuary application Matrix Tracker is used to accurately record fridge occupancy and track location of the bodies so that there is no possibility of a body being misidentified or misplaced. It is also used to ensure fridges are used efficiently, ensuring they are moved on as quickly as possible and that each body is sent to the correct location when they leave the mortuary.
In addition, the system allows the tracking of pathology tissue samples that have been taken before arrival at the mortuary along with tissue release wishes and the religion of the deceased, if required, to comply with HTA recommendations. Matrix Tracker’s flexible reporting system enables a bereavement notice to be e-mailed from the system and a coroner’s report to be prepared. It also offers the flexibility to expand in the future to link in to other systems.
More details can be found in a case study which can be downloaded from the Autoscribe Informatics website: www.autoscribeinformatics.com/phocadownload/userupload/mortuary%20management.pdf.